
  1. 17. May 2024

    • More speed improvements! The chatting and building of the initial dashboard should be noticeably faster.
    • Fixed a calculation bug where visuals would display incorrect values in an edge case.
  2. 15. May 2024

    • Zebra BI Charts released
      • Chart slider & new Interactive charts:
        • Axis break
        • Interactive labels and difference highlights
      • New area chart
      • Customizable data labels & categories
      • Customizable title
    • Power BI connector released: Connect to your Power BI dataset from Zebra AI
      • Limitations: Up to 1M data points or 100k rows or 15MB per dataset
    • Multiple AI system optimizations resulting in reasoning and speed improvements
    • Various bug fixes
  3. February 21, 2024

    • Numerous bug fixes & stability improvements related to crashes caused by newly introduced measure aggregation feature.
  4. February 16, 2024

    • Numerous aggregation functions have been added to the analysis and visualization stages, including sum, avg, min, max, count, distinct count. Measures can now be detected as either stock or flow, improving the aggregation calculation. This expands the AI’s ability to perform various calculations and show additional plots (e.g. distributions).
    • Various stability, performance & bug fixes. Users no longer need to refresh the page and lose their session if an error occurs during the chatting phase.
  5. February 14th, 2024

    • Multiple stability fixes, reduced errors caused by AI hallucinations.
    • Improved initial analysis performance in some edge cases.
    • Users can now continue their analysis even if error occurs during chatting without losing the session.
  6. Feburary 1st, 2024

    • Add export to Excel feature. Your charts and related data slices can now be exported to an excel file, one chart per sheet.
    • Minor stability fixes
  7. January 17, 2024

    • Improved chart & data field selection based on interestingness in initial dashboard output.
  8. January 10, 2024

    • Re-introduce code interpreter with improvements for more flexible & better data reasoning.
    • Various bug fixes
  9. December 20, 2023

    • Redesigned Zebra AI UI.
    • Improved speed of loading the application upon sign-in.
  10. December 14, 2023

    • Minor improvements to semantic model when reading datasets
    • Disable Code Interpreter functionality temporarily due to issues